Specifications | Newly Created Websites | WhoisXML API


The datasets come in the following forms

  • "Country only" — group data by registrant country. These files are named in format:
    "ncw_db.%DATE%.%DATASET_ID%.countries.jsonl.gz", e.g "ncw_db.2020-08-20.AxvRERcOKx.countries.csv.gz"
  • "Category only" — group data by website category. These files are named in format:
    "ncw_db.%DATE%.%DATASET_ID%.categories.jsonl.gz", e.g "ncw_db.2020-08-20.ZxRdGvCDEc.categories.csv.gz"
  • "Country and category" — group data both by registrant country and by website category. These files are named in format:
    "ncw_db.%DATE%.%DATASET_ID%.countries.categories.jsonl.gz", e.g "ncw_db.2020-08-20.CVcetDxSeR.countries.categories.csv.gz"

Downloading via HTTPS

Downloading via FTP

  • Host: datafeeds.whoisxmlapi.com
  • Port: 21210
  • Username: 'user'
  • Password: equal to your personal API Key which you can obtain from the My Products page.
  • Base path: ftp://datafeeds.whoisxmlapi.com:21210
  • Folder: Newly_Created_Websites_Data_Feed

Downloading via FTPS

Read more about the FTPS connection: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FTPS.

Our FTP server supports explicit FTP over TLS encryption. You may configure your FTP client to use explicit FTP over TLS encryption for secure communications.

Our FTPS server is accessed using the same paths and API keys as a regular FTP server, the instructions for which are described above. To connect via FTPS, select the "Require explicit FTP over TLS" encryption option in your FTP client, if it supports it. FileZilla configuration example:

explicit FTP over TLS encryption

Configure your Data Feed

To get the pricing on your data feed please contact us.